May 13-15, 2002, Gjolechitsa, Bulgaria




Paper edition in Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 73 (2002): 

book | cover | impressum  



Speeches on Opening Ceremony



Ivanov G.



Dimitrijević M. S. (Bulgarian)



Dimitrijević M. S. (Serbian)



Shkodrov V.


Invited Lectures



Dimitrijević M. S., Popović L. Č., Dačić M., Cvetković Z.:

Approximate methods for Stark broadening calculations for astrophysically important spectral lines



Krügel E. and Siebenmorgen R.:

Hot dust in galaxies



COST 283 Team: Golev V., Tsvetkov M., Murtagh F., Egret D., Longo G., Di Gesu V., Allen G., Holl A., Shearer A., Golden A., Sastry L., Boyd D., Nunêz J., Molina R., Vazquez L., Llorente I. M., Jetzer Ph., Csillaghy A. and Wintlev-Jensen P.:

European Collaboration Towards the Astronomical DataGrid



Popović L. Č., Jovanović P., Bon E. and Dimitrijević M. S.:

Gravitational microlenses in active galactic nuclei





Andreeva D. V., Filipov L. G., Dimitrova M. M.:

Turing formations in accretion disc - as a reaction - diffusion system



Bonev T., Borisov G. and Ivanova A.:

H2O+ ions in the plasma tail of comet Ikeya-Zhang



Borisova A. P., Tsvetkov M. K., Tsvetkova K. P., Hambly N. and Kalaglarsky D. G.:

Search for long-term periodicity in the Pleiades active dwarf stars from photographic sky surveys



Buchvarova M. B.:

An analytical model for differential spectrum of cosmic rays



Čelebonović V.:

Classical dense matter physics: some basic methods and results



Cvetković Z. and Perović G.:

Influence of reference frames on the determination of longitudes and longitude differences



Dimitrijević M. S., Djeniže S., Srećković A. and Bukvić S.:

Stark shift in the Si IV spectrum



Dimitrijević M. S., Milosavljević V. and Djeniže S.:

Stark shift in the Ne II spectrum



Dimitrijević M. S., Popović L. Č., Ryabchikova T.:

Si 6142 and 6155 Å lines in stellar atmospheres: Stark broadening effect



Dimitrijević M. S., Simić Z., Milovanović N., Popović L. Č.:

Stark broadening of Cd III lines



Dimitrova M. M., Filipov L. G., and Andreeva D. V.:

Pattern formation and angular momentum transport in accretion flows



Efremova B. and Georgiev L.:

Effect of wind interactions on double WR*O stars spectra



Georgiev Ts. B.:

Extinction estimation from the colour-magnitude diagrams of resolved dwarf galaxies



Golev V., Georgiev V. and Prugniel Ph.:

The Hyperleda project en route to the astronomical virtual observatory



Goranova Yu., Georgiev Ts., Iliev L., Stateva I. and Tomov N.:

Radial velocities of B stars towards the galactic anti- center



Kurtev R. G.:

Estimated number of field stars towards the local group galaxy IC10: models and observations



Kurtev R. G.:

UB stellar photometry around the association OB81 in M31: new OB associations



Milosavljević V. and Djeniže S.:

Ion characteristics to the 667.82 nm He I spectral line shape



Milosavljević V. and Djeniže S.:

Contribution of ion to the astrophysical important 471.32 nm He I spectal line broadening



Nedialkov P. and Veltchev T.:

Red supergiants in M31: extinction, metallicities and gas-to-dust ratio



Ninković S.:

Remarks on the mass distribution in stellar systems



Pessev P., Ivanov V. D., Borissova J.:

Search for Undetected Star Clusters in Our Galaxy in the 2 MASS Database



Popov G., Nedialkov P., Roussev I. and Veltchev T.:

The S4 Spiral Arm in M 31 Galaxy - Infrared versus Optical



Popović L. Č., Dimitrijević M. S., Dačić M., Kubičela A.:

The problem of the Fe II template in AGNs



Popović L. Č., Bon E., Ilić D.:

The Spectral Line Shapes of MRK 1040 and small neighbouring galaxy



Popović L. Č. and Jovanović P.:

Could the shape of Mrk 205 Fe Kα Line be explaned by microlensing effect?



Savcheva A. S., and Tassev S. V.:

Probing the extinction law and gas-to-dust ratio M31 via globulars behind the disk



Stanchev O. I., Georgiev Ts. B. and Yu. Goranova B.:

R-band photometric profiles of 120 edge-on nothern galaxies



Stavrev K. Y.:

On the large-scale periodicity in the spatial distribution of rich clusters of galaxies



Vassilev O., Vassileva L., Ivanov G. and Vassilev D.:

Red Supergiants in M 33 Galaxy



Conference Photos