The 5th Bulgarian-Serbian Conference on

Astronomy and Space Science

May 9-12, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria









Present Fifth traditional conference on astronomy is result from active contacts and joint search programs between Bulgarian and Serbian astronomers during last 10 years. In the talk is summarized briefly main results from the four joint conferences held in Belogradchik (Bulgaria), Gamzigrad (Serbia), Gjolechitsa (Bulgaia) and Belgrade. We report the rising interest to participation in the conferences from both sides and also from astronomers from other European countries. Bulgarian-Serbian bilateral contacts in astronomy are on the bases of the renewed bilateral collaboration between Bulgarian and Serbian Academies of Sciences as well as the regional Balkan collaboration in Astronomy and Space sciences and programs supported by the UNECO. This 5th conference with more than 75 participants confirm the tendency of enlargement of the Bulgarian-Serbian joint work in Astronomy and Space Sciences.


M.S. Dimitrijević,
Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, 11160 Belgrade, Serbia


M.K. Tsvetkov,
Institute of Astronomy, BAS, 72 Tsarigradsko Shosse, 1784-Sofia, Bulgaria



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