The 5th Bulgarian-Serbian Conference on

Astronomy and Space Science

May 9-12, 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria








by Zoran Knežević,
Director of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory



Dear friends,


On behalf of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade and of the Serbian astronomical community, let me greet you and wish you a successful meeting.


This already traditional conference represents the continuation of the collaboration between Bulgarian and Serbian astronomers, which, we hope, will in the future bring even better and more numerous results than those achieved so far. For several years our astronomers are observing at the Rozhen astronomical observatory, and a number of highest quality common papers have been published up to now, based on the data collected with the 2-m telescope. We expect to extend the existing collaboration to the other institutions, like the Institute of Space Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and to the scientific topics we have not previously dealt with in our country. In this way, we hope to significantly improve upon the current situation also with collaborations supported by the international organizations like UNESCO, or coordinated and realized on regional and bilateral levels.


In this spirit, I wish you all a successful work and a pleasant staying at this conference.


Thank you.



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