II Serbian - Bulgarian Astronomical Meeting
Zajecar, Serbia, 23-26 June 2000
Full text in
Front page of the paper edition in [pdf].
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Bachev, R., Slavcheva-Mihova, L.
Search for optical variability in two Seyfert galaxies
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Balaz, A., Belic, A., Bogojevic, A.
Universality of planetary accretion
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Cvetkovic, Z., Perovic, G.
Istrazivanje modela uticaja temperature pri odredjivanju razlika longituda iz merenja zenitnih daljina zvezda Danzonovim astrolabom
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Cirkovic, M.M.
Is there an arrow of time after all?
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Celebonovic, V.
Semiclassical planetology: Some results
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Dacic, M.
Svodjenje Boskovicevih astrogeodetskih odredjivanja na sistem FK5
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Damljanovic, G., Pejovic, N.
The Belgrade Z-term for the period 1949-1985 after new reduction of BLZ latitude data
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Dimitrijevic, M.S.
Milutin Milankovic i astronomija
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Djenize, S.
Measured, calculated and estimated Stark widths of several Ar IV spectral lines
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Djenize, S., Bukvic, S.
Transition probabilities in the 4s' - 4p' and 4p' - 4d' transitions in Ar III spectrum
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Djenize, S., Milosavljevic, V.
Stark broadening in the Ne II 3s4 P - 3p4 Do multiplet
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Djurasevic, G., Erkapic, S.
Gravity darkening in semi-detached binary system TT Aurigae
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Gemisic, M., Obradovic, B., Dojcinovic, I.
Depopulacija gornjeg energetskog nivoa VUV linije argona infracrvenim laserskim zracenjem
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Golev, V., Prugniel, Ph.
The local Mg2 - log σ relation for early-type galaxies through the database HYPERCAT
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Ivanov, G.R., Krastev, K.G.
Stellar associations in NGC 6946
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Jovanovic, B.D.
2800 MHz solar flux and Sava river flux
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Jovanovic, B.D.
What has been reported on astronomy in the serbian magazine "Javor" (Maple) [1862-1863, 1867-1893]
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Milosavljevic, V., Dimitrijevic, M.S., Djenize, S., Popovic, L.C.
Stark shift of several Kr II spectral lines
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Ninkovic, S.
Analiza podsistema Mlecnog puta
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Olevic, D., Cvetkovic, Z.
Kinematika uzorka od 269 vizuelno dvojnih zvezda
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Popovic, L.C.
Emisione linije sa dva pika u spektrima aktivnih galaktickih jezgara
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Sreckovic, A., Drincic, V., Bukvic, S., Djenize, S.
Experimental Stark width of the 581.198 nm C IV spectral line
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Tomic, A.S., Jovanovic, B.A.
Fotografsko posmatranje pomracenja Sunca 11.08.1999 na Semeringu u Austriji
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Tsvetkov, M., Tsvetkova, K., Stavrev, K., Popov, V.
The wide-field plate archives in Europe
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Vince, O.
Priblizno odredjivanje oblasti linearnosti CCD kamere iz spektralnih linija Sunca
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Zupan, J.
Ugaona brzina i oblik zvezde