5th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics

(Vrsac, Serbia, June 06-10, 2005)



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Name of the participants  Abstracts
Albert Ellingboe (Ireland) Whistler wave - particle interaction in a temperate ionosphere-like plasma (IL)
Aleksandrina Smirnova (Russia) Studying of some Seyfert galaxies by the methods of panoramic
Alexander F. Zakharov (Russia) Black Holes: Theory versus observations - Analysis of the Fe K_\alpha Lines and Precise Astrometrical Observations (IL)
Alexey Moiseev (Russia) Scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer in the extragalactic researches 
Ana Lalovic (Serbia) The reduction of eclipsing binary stars spectra observed at Rozhen Observatory
Andrei Lobanov (Germany) Radio Spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei (IL) 
Anton Dorodnitsyn (Russia) Title of contribution: Line-driven winds near BHs
Artyom Vorobyev (Russia) Analytical curves reduction by using fractional derivative spectrometry
Besma Zmerli (Tunisia) Temperature dependence of non hydrogenic atom-lines Stark widths
Bojan Arbutina (Serbia) A study of close binary system EE Cet
Bratislav M. Obradovic (Serbia) The external magnetic field influence on the hydrogen Balmer profiles in electric discharges (ST) 
Carmen GarcĂ­a (Spain) Gas temperature from line broadening in a neon microwave plasma at atmospheric pressure (P)
Daniela Korcakova (Czech Republic) Emergent line profiles from rapidly rotating stars (P)
Darko Jevremovic (Serbia) $^6$Li in the quiescent atmospheres of active cool stars (ST)
Denis Shulyak (Ukraine) Atmospheres of CP stars: magnetic field effects (IL)
Derek Homeier (Germany) Molecular Line Widths at Stellar Atmosphere Conditions
Dolores Calzada Canalejo (Spain) Spectroscopy of the discharges created and maintained by a surface-wave (IL)
Dragana Ilic (Serbia) Kinematics of the BLR and NLR in AGN Mrk 817 (ST - MSc Thesis)
Eddie Baron (USA) Overview of supernova modeling with Phoenix (IL) 
Edi Bon (Serbia) Kinematics and Variability of III Zw 2 broad line emission region (ST - MSc Thesis)
Eleni Chatzichristou (Greece) Multi-Wavelength Surveys of Obscured AGN
Emanuil Danezis (Greece) A new modeling approach for DACs and SACs regions in the atmospheres of hot emission stars (IL)
Evangelina Lyratzi (Greece) A new approach for the structure of H$\alpha$ regions in 120 Be stars (IL)
Evencio Mediavilla, Cristina Abajas (Spain) Influence of Gravitational Microlensing on the Shapes of the QSO Emission Lines (IL)
France Allard (France) The Importance of Alkali Line Broadening in Brown Dwarf Atmospheres (IL) 
Francesco Di Mille (Italy) Spectrophotometric study of nearby Seyfert nuclei (P)
Gillian Peach (England) Line Shapes for the Spectra of Brown Dwarfs (IL)
Haykel Elabidi (Tunisia) Electron impact broadening of multicharged neon spectral lines (ST)
Jacques Moret-Bailly (France) The parametric light-matter interactions in astrophysics
John Danziger (Italy) The role of line profiles in analyzing spectra of supernovae (IL)
Lutz Wisotzky (Germany) Quasar Absorption Lines and the Intergalactic Medium (IL)
Ljubinko Ignjatovic, Anatolij Mihajlov (Serbia) Processes of atom-atom (n - n') - mixing influence on hydrogen atom rydberg states populations in stellar atmospheres
Magdalena Hristova (Bulgaria) Stark broadening of Ar I spectral lines emitted in surface-wave sustained discharges (ST) 
Marko Krco (USA) HINSA as a tool for studying dark clouds and star formation
Martin Roth (Germany) 3D spectroscopy of faint emission line objects: diagnostic tools from the nearby to the high redshift Universe (IL)
Mikhail Sachkov (Russia) Pulsations in the Atmospheres of Ap stars (IL)
Milan Zboril (Slovakia) Helium line shape analysis in B type stars
Natasa Gavrilovic (Serbia) Investigation of rotational velocity of E-Persei (epsilon-Persei)
Nebil Ben Nessib (Tunisia) Interaction Potentials for Spectral Line Shapes in Plasma (IL)
Nenad Milovanovic (Serbia) The Stark Broadening Effect in Hot Star Atmospheres: Tl II
Nenad Sakan (Serbia) The application of the cut-off Coulomb potential for the
calculation of a continuous spectra of dense hydrogen plasma (ST - MSc Thesis)
Nikola Vitas (Serbia) Heights of formation of Mn I spectral lines broadened by hyperfine structure
Olga Atanackovic-Vukmanovic (Serbia) Solution of NLTE line transfer problem by use of a forth-and-back implicit $\Lambda $ iteration
Peter Hauschildt (Germany) Effects of line profiles in T dwarfs (IL)
Predrag Jovanovic (Serbia) Microlensing effect on Fe K$\alpha$ line and X-ray continuum in the case of three gravitationally lensed quasars: MG J0414+0534, QSO 2237+0305 and H1413+117
Rafik Hamdi (Tunisia) Electric dipole transition probabilities in Al IV and Al V ions
Sergey Kharintsev (Russia) Fractional oscillator and anomalous Brownian motion in the theory of spectral line broadening and shift
Slobodan Ninkovic (Serbia) Globular Clusters of the Milky Way: Their fate and chemical composition (IL)
Srdjan Samurovic (Serbia) Detection of Dark Matter in Early-type Galaxies with X-ray Haloes using Absorption Spectral Lines (ST - PhD Thesis)
Stefano Ciroi, Piero Rafanelli (Italy) The Hidden Nature of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (IL)
Valiants M. Astashynski (Belarus) Spectroscopic study of plasma flows created by a magnetoplasma compressor (IL)
Vladimir Milosavljevic (Serbia) Measured Stark Shifts of Kr I Line Profiles in the 5s-5p and 5s-5p' Transitions (ST)
Walid Foued Mahmoudi (Tunisia) Semi-Classical and Modified Semi-Empirical Impact Stark Broadening Calculations of Singly-Ionized Carbon and Oxygen Spectral Lines (ST)
Zoran Petrovic (Serbia) Anomalous Doppler broadening of hydrogen lines due to excitation by fast
neutrals in low pressure Townsend discharges (IL) 
Zoran Simic (Serbia) Influence of impacts with charged particles on Cd I and F III spectral lines in stellar plasma(ST - MSc Thesis)










































